How do you do? I apologize for not posting in 2 months. But now I shall update you on the things that have been happening since summer vacation started.
1) I have been in a slight slump for videos. I try to make them, but laziness gets the best of me. I think we can all relate. Ideas just don't flow to me like they used to.
2) I have begun saving money for a new mystery doll. She might be my second to last doll. But nothing's written in stone.
3) I finally got around to cleaning my doll room. As you may have noticed I don't shoot many videos in the doll room because it is usually cluttered with objects that would normally fill a closet. But I've fixed that.
4) I got a new tripod! I was in desperate need of one that didn't tower over my dolls. If I were to use my old tripod, I would have had to shoot at an awkward angle, and that certainly wouldn't do. So this means better stopmotions!
Well that's been my life since school ended. How has your life been? Talk to you soon.
P.S. Thanks for 40 subscribers! :D
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