Monday, September 3, 2012

School :/

Hola! Let's get right down to business. School starts for me tomorrow, and also for a lot of people. Now I applaud people who are able to juggle school, dolls, a social life, etc. Because I can't. I will be quite busy this year (advanced classes, piano lessons, and some other third activity I will join when school starts) so I will probably be absent from YouTube... a lot. Because I didn't focus on my schoolwork as much as dolls last year ( and probably also for my laziness :P), I didn't get the grades I desired.  But I really want things to be different this year. Which means, sadly, dolls and YouTube are at the bottom of my priority list. I know, so sad. But what else am I to do? So this is kinda like a farewell post. For now of course. And don't worry. I still love my dolls. But life can be complicated at times. I will probably make videos during breaks, but other than that, not a lot. Sorry it has to be this way.

Until next time, au revoir

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm Not Dead

How do you do? I apologize for not posting in 2 months. But now I shall update you on the things that have been happening since summer vacation started.

1) I have been in a slight slump for videos. I try to make them, but laziness gets the best of me. I think we can all relate. Ideas just don't flow to me like they used to.
2) I have begun saving money for a new mystery doll. She might be my second to last doll. But nothing's written in stone.
3) I finally got around to cleaning my doll room. As you may have noticed I don't shoot many videos in the doll room because it is usually cluttered with objects that would normally fill a closet. But I've fixed that.
4) I got a new tripod! I was in desperate need of one that didn't tower over my dolls. If I were to use my old tripod, I would have had to shoot at an awkward angle, and that certainly wouldn't do. So this means better stopmotions!

Well that's been my life since school ended. How has your life been? Talk to you soon.
P.S. Thanks for 40  subscribers! :D

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Bonjour! So, I've been thinking lately, "Hey, almost every boy doll on AGTube has had a girlfriend contest. Hey! I have a boy doll!" See where I'm going here? I was going to have a contest when I hit 100 subscribers, but I notice this could be months away, so why not just have one for fun? Then I remembered my last contest didn't have much feedback. So I'm probably going to wait til after I hit 100. So a regular contest for 100 (hopefully I'll be able to mail prizes, if not, virtual prizes will have to do) and a girlfriend contest sometime after 100. Maybe I'll do a raffle for 50 subscribers. I'm in a very contest-y mood! More details on that when it comes. Bye!
~Rebecca =]

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Howdy! It's been a while, I know. I'm soo sorry! I've been trying to juggle school and AGTube but as you can see that hasn't been going very well. And I probably won't be getting any better thanks to testing. :( I tried filming now that its spring break but another problem occurred. I have no video ideas! I know the theme on AGTube lately has been The Hunger Games, but it would be easier to make a video on it if I finished reading the book. No, I did not see the movie and I refuse to see it until I finish the book. But at the rate I read, I won't be able to see the movie until it's on DVD. I have filmed one video, though it's not very entertaining. It's just me tightening Tyler's limbs, but I don't think you guys have waited over a month to see a video like that. I was filming an AGMV, but I gave up when I saw that the song wasn't easy to act out. I would film a new Mia's Mailbox, but it seems like a waste of time to film a video answering ONE question! If the show doesn't get more popular, I just might trash it. A new Daily Life of Tyler Benson isn't totally out of the question, but I noticed the show is pretty pointless. As Tyler said in the first episode of the series, the purpose of the series is to "document his daily life living with (then) nine sisters." But nothing happens unless I make it happen. A photoshoot would be nice... if I actually got some new clothes! Ugh! All the hindrances!
I guess I'll have to make a video whenever I come up with an idea, but then you would never know when the next video would be up. Could be a day, or a month. I'm afraid of  the uncertainty!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crazy Idea...

Hello there! So today I was looking through some old English papers and I came across a short story that I wrote. Then I got this crazy idea....
I'm a good writer( or so I've been told) and when I grow up I want to be an author and, hopefully, get one of my books turned into a movie! You may see where I'm going with this. The short story I wrote would be great for a mini movie! It's a bit short to be a series but a bit long to be one video. So I'm so excited to make my short story into a movie! I already know who some of the characters will be. But I won't spoil it for you. And so, that is my crazy idea that will hopefully turn out well and you all like! See you soon!

~ Rebecca

Monday, January 2, 2012

McKenna Brooks GOTY 2012

This is my opinion on McKenna Brooks

McKenna Brooks is a pretty doll but not as uniue as our past girl of the years. Many people say she looks like Chrissa and I agree. If I put a strawberry blonde wig on Chrissa then I have McKenna. And it really bothers me that she is a GOTY. They are supposed to be unique. And she isn't as unique as I hoped. And now we are stuck with her for a year! I already have Chrissa so I probably will not be getting her. As for her products they are really cute! I do want her pajamas, school outfit, and accessories. But that will be all I purchase of the GOTY 2012. I actually think they should have Kanani available for two years instead of replacing her with McKenna. It probably sounds like I hate McKenna, but I don't. I just hate how unoriginal she looks. And some of her products are horribly over priced! A loft bed for $225?!?! That's terrible! McKenna's Rain Gear (includes a pair of boots and an umbrella) is $34 dollars!! That's just downright crazy!!

Overall I am not happy with the new girl of the year.