Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crazy Idea...

Hello there! So today I was looking through some old English papers and I came across a short story that I wrote. Then I got this crazy idea....
I'm a good writer( or so I've been told) and when I grow up I want to be an author and, hopefully, get one of my books turned into a movie! You may see where I'm going with this. The short story I wrote would be great for a mini movie! It's a bit short to be a series but a bit long to be one video. So I'm so excited to make my short story into a movie! I already know who some of the characters will be. But I won't spoil it for you. And so, that is my crazy idea that will hopefully turn out well and you all like! See you soon!

~ Rebecca

Monday, January 2, 2012

McKenna Brooks GOTY 2012

This is my opinion on McKenna Brooks

McKenna Brooks is a pretty doll but not as uniue as our past girl of the years. Many people say she looks like Chrissa and I agree. If I put a strawberry blonde wig on Chrissa then I have McKenna. And it really bothers me that she is a GOTY. They are supposed to be unique. And she isn't as unique as I hoped. And now we are stuck with her for a year! I already have Chrissa so I probably will not be getting her. As for her products they are really cute! I do want her pajamas, school outfit, and accessories. But that will be all I purchase of the GOTY 2012. I actually think they should have Kanani available for two years instead of replacing her with McKenna. It probably sounds like I hate McKenna, but I don't. I just hate how unoriginal she looks. And some of her products are horribly over priced! A loft bed for $225?!?! That's terrible! McKenna's Rain Gear (includes a pair of boots and an umbrella) is $34 dollars!! That's just downright crazy!!

Overall I am not happy with the new girl of the year.